Erin Brokovich was a concerned homemaker that had no job that needed a job to take care of her family. It seemed that Bob Kerns really had no interest in taking care of his it seemed he was more interested in his own glory. Whether it be true or not he did not take into consideration how this would affect his family. Erin Brokovich seemed like she was trying to make the world a better place. The case in EB was life threatening, the other case was not. She went up against a major power company for leaking poisonous substance into the water.
Robert Kerns went up against the Ford Corporation for stealing his windshield wiper idea. He kept saying it’s not about the money when he was in court when he was battling his family for understanding. They fought with him for quite some time from him going into the mental institution his divorce and all of the other tragedies that came into play before the trial twenty years that he had been fighting this corporation, Finally winning against Ford and many other car companies for infringing on his patents which they had originally said were null and void.
Erin ran into an issue when she started to investigate problems with a water companies not cleaning or having too much of a substance in the drinking water of her clients that were causing issues with her clients health even some deaths. At first she was working for a very tiny law firm of a man that she seemed to like and dislike all at once. She started investigating a case that seemed to have been closed. Not being a lawyer herself she turned to her friend for help and they started this big battle with a corporation that were trying to hide their tracks much like the Ford company did with Bob Kearns.